Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Two weeks till take off!

Alrighty! Ladies and gentlemen, I created this blog to stay in touch with all of my friends and family while I am away in Africa. I have no idea how often I will have internet access while I'm over there, so I thought blogging would be the easiest way to keep in touch with everyone. I have officially passed my nursing boards (thank the Lord!) and I am preparing to leave for Africa in a couple of weeks. I'll post more information before I leave but I just wanted to give those whole blogging thing a test run!


  1. Great job on passing the boards, you deserved it after all that hard work you put into it! What a great idea for the blog! I'll be your number 1 follower!

    1. Your an Amazing Person, I love You!

  2. Can't wait to follow your adventures! :) I'll be praying for you every step of the way!
